Planning for Virtual or At-Home Learning
Planning for Virtual or At-Home Learning:
We certainly hope we do not have to break from face to face instruction and resort to virtual at-home learning, however it is a possibility. It is important to prepare for this possibility of virtual learning if the district closes or if your child becomes exposed to COVID-19 and needs to stay home. At some point in the school year, the district with guidance from the Andrew County Health Department might have to send home a group of students or the entire school for an extended time. If this is the case the district will provide Virtual or At-Home Learning:
Things to consider as you get ready for virtual or at-home learning.
Stay up to date with announcements via the school website, the PTO Facebook page, etc.
Create a schedule with your child and make a commitment to stick with it. Structure and routine can greatly help your child from falling behind with assignments.
Try to find a space where you live that’s free of distractions, noise, and clutter for learning and doing homework.
Identify opportunities for your child to connect with peers and be social—either virtually or in person, while staying social distant.
Your child’s teacher will communicate with you the following:
o Times of regular and consistent opportunities during each day for staff and student check in.
o What communication application the teacher will use to communicate about classroom instruction.
o Times of regular and consistent (daily) live video instruction.
o What to do if your family has technology barriers to learning from home and how the district can help with this.
If your child has a specialized plan such as IEP, 504, Speech / Language Therapy, or Remedial Reading Plan the case worker will reach out to you to let you know how we will meet the needs of your child.