Policy 2656 - Student Acceptable Use of Personal Electronic Devices
Policy 2656
Student Acceptable Use of Personal Electronic Devices
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student possession of cell phones and other personal electronic devices on school campus and school buses, at school sponsored activities and while the student is under the supervision and control of school district employees is permitted.
These devices must be kept out of sight and powered off. The requirement that Personal Electronic Devices must be turned off will not apply in the following circumstances; when the student obtains prior approval from the building principal or designee in the following circumstances.
1. The student has a special medical circumstance for self or family member.
2. The student is using the device for an educational or instructional purpose with the teacher’s permission and supervision.
3. The student has a need to communicate with parent or guardian.
All students’ Personal Electronic Devices are to be powered off and concealed from view on District buses, except as authorized by the driver.
Student use of Personal Electronic Devices in locker rooms, classrooms, and/or bathrooms is prohibited.
Students may not use Personal Electronic Devices on school property or at a school sponsored activity to access and/or view internet websites that are otherwise blocked to students at school. Examples of blocked sites include, but are not limited to, Face Book, My Space and You Tube.
Student use of Personal Electronic Devices that disrupts the instructional day will result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of the Personal Electronic Devices. When the Personal Electronic Devices is confiscated, it will be released/returned to the student’s parent/guardian. Parents may retrieve the device according to school procedures.
Unauthorized use of Personal Electronic Devices includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Possessing, viewing, sending or sharing video or audio information having sexual, violent or threatening content on school grounds, school-sponsored events or school busses is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of the personal technology device.
2. Transmitting school materials for unethical purposes such as cheating.
District Staff Rights and Responsibilities
District staff may confiscate Personal Electronic Devices when in use outside the parameters of student rights and responsibilities above.
District staff may examine the content of students’ Personal Electronic Devices only under the following conditions:
A. When the search is reasonable at its inception. That is, when the context is such that it is clear that the student or students are clearly misusing the device and that the search of content would turn up evidence of the violation.
B. When the scope of the search of the content is reasonably related to the objective of the search and appropriate in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the suspected violation.
Corrective Action
Corrective action will be determined by the number of previous acts, the nature of the act, the maturity of the parties, and the context in which the alleged act occurred. Consequences can range from positive behavioral interventions to suspension and expulsion for repeated violations.
Adopted: August 18, 2008
Revised and Adopted: May 13, 2010
Avenue City R-IX School District