Policy 3151 - Credit and Purchasing Cards
Financial Management
Credit and Purchasing Cards
Authorized district employees may use credit cards or purchasing cards issued to the district to make purchases for the district or to pay for reasonable travel expenses incurred when performing job duties. Employees will not use these cards to circumvent the bidding and purchasing requirements established by law and Board policy. All purchases made using district cards must be attributed to the appropriate budget code and must conform to the Board-adopted budget.
The Board will approve which employee positions will be issued a district purchasing card and the limitations on the card with the maximum amount not exceeding $1,000 per month. The superintendent or designee will annually review and revise the list of persons receiving district cards and the limitations on those cards. The annual review will ensure that only the employees who appropriately utilize the cards have access to them, and that the limitations on the cards do not exceed the amounts of the projected expenditures to be made with the cards. The Board will annually approve all modifications prior to implementation.
Any employee using a district card shall sign a card usage agreement and will receive training on applicable procedures for card use. District employees issued a card must provide documentation, such as receipts and applicable budget codes, justifying expenditures. The purchasing officer will examine all documentation prior to payment and will notify the superintendent or designee immediately if any purchase was made in violation of law or district policies or procedures.
All employees issued a district card must take all reasonable measures to protect the cards against damage, loss, theft or misuse. Any damage, loss, theft or misuse of the card must be reported to the superintendent immediately. No person may use the card other than the authorized employee to whom the card was issued. District employees will surrender all cards upon completion of their employment or term with the district or upon demand by the district.
Adopted: April 12, 2012
Avenue City R-IX School District